My name is Kevin James, I'm 25 years old, I currently work as an Assistant Dean at St. John's University and I love my job.. For sometime now I have been thinking that its time for me to go beyond my comfort zone and to challenge myself to grow...emotionally, physically and spiritually.
To create expectations for myself and to exceed those expectations in every way possible. I have for sometime being thinking of ways that I can do this...and eventually after hours of watching TV :-) , I came up with one way that I can attain this...
While I know The Amazing Race is a reality show at it's basic level...I see the race as an opportunity for me to become better and stronger. For the past few years, I have let my doubts/fears impede my growth. Now I want to challenge myself to become better and stronger..
Therefore, I make a pledge to train/prepare to apply for the race in one year...that means that this platform...this blog will be a medium where I will share my progress.
While I can't guarantee that I would be selected to be apart of the Amazing Race in a future season...I want to use this blog/medium as a way to inspire people to achieve personal/professional growth by seeing me through my triumphs and through my falls.
Life is Journey...and the journey is just as important as the end (goal)...I want to take the next year to grow emotionally, spiritually and physically because ...
:-) I want to apply to the Amazing Race as the best "Kevin Tyrone James" I can be...therefore this is the medium where I document my Journey to "Be the Best"...
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