Saturday, August 1, 2015

Who do I want to be?

Here is an interesting scenario..

Three men who recently passed away are presented with the opportunity to return to earth to live another life, but must first pass a judgement from God. 

God ask the first man, "Why should you return to earth?"

The first man replies: "..Because I will be person who will always be right!"

God walks away from that man..

He walks to the second man and ask: "Why should you return to earth?"

The second man replies:..."I want to the best person!"

God walks away from that man..

He walks to the third man and ask: "Why should you return to earth?"

The third man replies:..."I want to be a better person.."

God tells the third man..that he can return to earth...

In this scenario... being the better person was perhaps considered the simplest thing a person can do, but in this scenario it was also the most powerful thing one can do. 

While being right and being the best may seem to be admirable goals, do they unlock the greatest potential a person has...

If I tried to become the best person I can be, am I striving for continuous growth or rather is it  perfection? Am I pushing for a goal I can't obtain...

If I tried to be the one who is always  I respecting the opinions and views of my fellow man or am I ignoring them for my own "sometimes" selfish views...

Ultimately, in this situation..I will always choose to be the better person...I accept that I am not a perfect person, nor am I always right...rather I know that I want to be the better person..I want to develop and change for the better and to recognize that I can be better. 

In this way I learn, I adapt, I change to survive...this is where I plateau for the greatest impact and where I expect to be. This is where I generate my impact. 

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